The Government would have us believe that the current pension crisis is down to our ageing demographic and that there aren't enough people of working age to support our 'ever ageing population' To say this is to shove your head so far up your own arse as to be completely blind to reality.
When I hear about the crisis affecting 12m workers I wonder why there are only 12m workers in a nation of 60m. What the heck are the other 48m doing?
For the better part they are either a: 'studying' or b: 'claiming'
There are plenty of people of working age among our ranks, but the Government insists on it's policy of encouraging 50% of school leavers to attend higher education, roping off a few million from paying into the system for several years. We now even pay 16 year old schoolkids to carry on attending classes. Classes for what exactly? It seems most graduates don't even have a basic mastery of spelling and grammar on entering employment. If I get one more e-mail from a graduate which fails to differentiate between 'their' and 'there', I'll force them to read an essay to the rest of the company.
Couple the rise of worthless and time-consuming education with the huge growth in benefits claimants over the last 50 years and you have a simple answer to your question. Increasingly our would-be workers are laying not just economically idle, but are chomping away at YOUR pension; well whatever's left after the thieving Chancellor takes a big bite out of your pension to fund Social Equality and lesbian donkey sanctuaries.
Think about it people. If all our young are studying there's nobody to pay for our old. If they are claiming benefits then the few of us remaining in work have to support both Waynetta and Aunty Ethel. Of course Waynetta isn't an unemployment claimant these days. She's a 'victim of long-term incapacity', and she doesn't 'claim' anything - she has 'entitlements'
The pensions time bomb isn't so much about our baby boomers. It's about our couch potatoes.
Having worked hard all your life you have to ask yourself why you should struggle on for another 5 years to fund a course in media studies or an addiction to Tennants Super and Tricia?
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